Sunday, August 30, 2009

Take Your Time


JRB said...

It's refreshing to see propaganda once again put to good purpose! If only "progressives" weren't so turned off by the idea. They can document the crimes of the corporate state until the cows come home, and yet never inspire the working person to act! Thanks for taking up this cause.

I hope to see you again soon at a branch meeting. I have been staying abreast of union affairs through the GOB and WOBForum -- and goodness gracious what a mess. Word on the street is that you are fighting the good fight to contain the damage; you certainly have my support in this regard.


PS. John Mackey never disappoints.

Pierce said...


Thanks for the kind words. I can't speak to your branch or Mr. Mackey but take any cartoons you like and put them to good use in organizing.